Froid/Lake Boys Outscores Cowboys During Class C Battle In Culbertson

The Froid/Lake Red Hawks opened their boys’ basketball season in impressive fashion as they downed Culbertson, 71-35, on Saturday, Jan. 2.
Ahead 6-4, the Red Hawks struck for nine straight points on five points by Javonne Nesbit, a hoop by Mason Dethman and an inside basket by Colt Miller.
After Culbertson’s Hunter Lucas hit a three-pointer, Froid/Lake increased its lead to 22-7 on four points by Dethman and a three-pointer by Nesbit.
Hoops by Tyler Wivholm and Colt Miller along with a free throw by Walker Ator put the margin at 27-9 at the end of the first quarter.
The Red Hawks then accounted for 24 points in the second quarter for a 51-20 half-time lead. A three-pointer by Wivholm and the inside scoring of C. Miller highlighted the quarter.
Froid/Lake led by a 70-28 margin after three quarters of action.
Reaching double figures for the Red Hawks were Nesbit with 17, C. Miller with 16, Wivholm with 13 and Dethman with 10 points.
Rounding out the scoring were Bode Miller with eight, Ator with four, Brett Stentoft with two and Caden Kelm with one.
Nesbit grabbed eight rebounds.
Lucas scored 14 points to lead the Cowboys.
Colin Avance finished with six points. Adding five points each were Payton Perkins and Maurice Bighorn with five. James Kirkaldie had three and Mike Pederson added two.
Top rebounders for the Cowboys were Pederson with seven and Lucas with six boards.