Independence Bank Scholarship Deadline Approaching

The Independence Bank Scholarship application deadline is quickly approaching. Applications for the scholarship must be received in the Montana State University- Northern financial aid office by Feb. 5. The Independence Bank Scholarship is open to incoming freshman students planning to attend MSU - Northern. To be eligible students must graduate from a high school in Hill, Blaine, Phillips, Valley, Roosevelt, Daniels, Sheridan, Liberty, Chouteau, Pondera or Toole counties. Six $1000 scholarships are awarded each year.
For more information on the Independence Bank Scholarship, contact the MSU - Northern financial aid office at 406-265-3787.
Six area students were the recipients of the Independence Bank New Student Scholarship for the 2020-2021 academic year and are currently attending MSU -Northern.
Reese Bulkley graduated from Havre High School and is majoring in civil engineering technology. His parents are DJ and Kate Bulkley of Havre.
Kannon Ferestad graduated from Scobey High School and is pursuing a major in diesel technology. His parents are Mike and Deanna Ferestad of Scobey.
Jodi Hout graduated from North Toole County High School and is currently enrolled in nursing at Northern. Her parents are Crystal and Dan Hout of Sunburst.
Morgan Manthey graduated from North Toole County High School. He is pursuing a degree in diesel technology/ Field Maintenance. His parents are Dale and Marcia Manthey of Kevin.
Tommy K Woods graduated from CJI High School and is majoring in business/ accounting at Northern. Her parents are Edgar and Lori Woods of Joplin.
Cordell Younkin graduated from Hinsdale High school and is majoring in welding/ pipefitting at Northern. His parents are Roubie and Jeff Younkin from Glasgow.