Bainville Council Talks Street Sanding, Approves Dog Ordinance

The Bainville Town Council held their regular monthly meeting Tuesday, Jan. 19. The full council was in attendance.
Public comment was offered regarding signage and graffiti reading “Trump 2020” on leftover culvert material. The council concluded that there was nothing they could do, as the culvert pieces are currently on private property.
During the public works report, director Lyle Lambert said the town would do a better job of sanding icy streets, pending the arrival of equipment and supplies.
Town clerk/treasurer Nikki Rogers gave an update from the latest Local Emergency Planning Committee virtual meeting. She said they discussed the ongoing siren project with no firm dates in place.
A second and final reading of the dog ordinance was held. The commissioners approved the final language unanimously: “An ordinance amending Title 8 Animals Chapter 8.04 Dogs by changing 8.04.005 Definitions; adding new sections 8.04.050 Stray Dogs, 8.04.060 Notice to Owner; Reclaim, 8.04.070 Control of Pets, 8.04.080 Quarantine, 8.04.090 Enforcement and Penalty and repealing 8.04.010 and 8.04.040 to conform it to Roosevelt County Ordinance No. 7.”
A plat amendment for Bainville Homestead Properties located in Tubman’s Addition was approved.
Discussion about a proposed medical marijuana dispensary was tabled for more information.
Appointments were made to the following committees: Streets, fire, police and public safety and community development. It was decided that all council members will sit on all committees moving forward.
The council approved claims with checks dated Jan. 19, as well as minutes for the Dec. 14 meeting, JV and UB vouchers and payroll slips.