Donation Gives New School Program Great Start
A new program in the Wolf Point School District will enjoy a great start thanks to the Montana Masonic Foundation.
On Thursday, Jan. 28, Masonic representatives Jeff Harada and Wade Riden presented a $1,700 check to Northside Elementary School Principal Georgie Gourneau along with teachers Andrew Tumonong and Ronnell Tumonong.
Funds will help begin the WE STEP UP program that stands for Wolves Engage in Science Through Environmental Programs for Unity and Progress.
“The main goal is it helps students have the mindset to consider the environment,” Ronnell Tumonong said.
The program for fifth and sixth graders will deal with recycling projects and incorporate dance and drama.
After-school classes are taking place on Mondays and Wednesdays from 4:30-5:30 p.m. to focus on environmental protection. Topics will include recycling, reducing, reusing, art and dance drama.
The Montana Masonic Foundation awards about $50,000 of educational grants each year. This program provides opportunity for Montana’s Public Schools to apply for assistance in under-funded programs in the areas of: music, drama, science, libraries or areas of student enhancement or learning that have experienced cut-backs or are experiencing start-up funding concerns.
Established in 1960, the MMF is a 501(c)(3) that dispenses charity (public and private); encourages and promotes free public education and schools through endowments, grants, scholarships; as well as hosts a Masonic Library and Museum.