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Wolf Point Police And Fire Blotter

( Publisher’s Note: The following blotter includes the activities of the Wolf Point police and fire department for Feb. 1-7. All those cited or arrested are presumed innocent.) Citations were issued to:

February 2

Michael Vandall, 37, male, 100 block of Main Street, public intoxication and disorderly conduct, tribal court.

Carrie Warclub, 27, female, 100 block of Fairweather Street, disorderly conduct, tribal court.

February 3

Joshua Redstone, 30, male, Town Pump, theft, disorderly conduct and criminal possession of drug paraphernalia, tribal court.

February 4

Robert Lowdog Sr., 44, male, Third Avenue South, disorderly conduct, tribal court.

Seventeen-year-old male, 200 block of Fairweather Street, disorderly conduct, youth in need of supervision and minor in possession, tribal court.

February 5

Fourteen-year-old male, 400 block of Helena Street, criminal mischief, resisting arrest, disorderly conduct and minor in possession, tribal court.

February 6

Zachary Dionne Sr., 35, male, 1200 block of Fourth Avenue North, endangering welfare of a child, tribal court.

Damica McConnell, 25, female, 1200 block of Fourth Avenue North, endangering welfare of a child, tribal court.

Skyla Whitehawk, 42, female, 200 block of Fairweather Street, warrant, Tribal court.

In addition to the citations above, the WPPD had the following activity: abandoned 911 call, one; alarm/business, one; alarm/residence, one; animal/injured, two; animal/ other, one; animal/stray, one; assault, two; assault/attempted/ simple, one; assault with weapon, one; assistance required/ funeral, one; assistance required/other government agency, one; assistance required/public, nine; burglary/ residential/forcible, one; burglary/residential/ no force, one; child neglect, one; custodial interference, four; disorderly conduct/ fight, five; disorderly conduct, three; disorderly conduct/ vagrant, one; disturbance/ arguments, one; disturbance, three; disturbance/remove unwanted person, 12; driving under the influence/alcohol, one; duplicate call, two; fire/ other, one; fire/structure, one; harassment, one; indecent exposure, one; loitering/panhandling, two; medical assistance, nine; misdial 911, two; patrol/all other, one; patrol/ city limits, nine; runaway/female, one; stolen vehicle, one; suicide attempt/adult male, one; suicide threat/adult female, one; suspicious activity/ premises, one; suspicious person, one; suspicious vehicle, two; theft, four; theft / shoplift theft / shoplift, two; threats, two; traffic crime/eluding, one; traffic crime/reckless driver, two; traffic roads/parking, one; trespassing, three; unsecured premises/law enforcement reported, one; vandalism, one; vandalism/motor vehicle, one; vandalism/residence, one; weapon offense, two; welfare check, five; total, 118. Fire Blotter Feb. 6: Wolf Point Volunteer Fire Department responded at 10:23 p.m. to a motor vehicle accident near Agland West C-Store on U.S. Highway 2 with one truck and command.

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