Froid Town Council Talks Survey Plans, Chickens

The Froid Town Council held its regular meeting Monday, May 10. A dozen people attended, including council members and town staff.
During the recognition of visitors, Mayor Sheri Crain welcomed new residents Melinda and Chad Formanek, who attended the meeting to inquire about survey and annexation plans, which are ongoing. Crain said the current surveys are incomplete, leading to inaccurate and conflicting information on Montana Cadastral regarding real estate data, parcel information and land ownership information. The couple also asked about chickens and related chicken ordinances. Crain explained that the town currently defaults to county-wide ordnances regarding chickens, adding that common sense should apply.
Minutes for the April meeting were read aloud and approved.
Crain delivered the public works director’s report. She said a mower battery is coming on special order and said that streets are a priority, with funding and supplies for repairs pending. “A lot of our streets are in really bad shape,” said Crain. During the “other business” portion of the meeting, resident Penny Ryder asked if streets monies were being used for repairs and upgrades to the baseball field. Crain explained that all funding for the baseball field has come from donations from area residents and businesses. Roosevelt County Sheriff’s Office deputy Russ Corbell attended the meeting. He reported two calls for Froid in April, including one call for an open fire. Corbell explained that the open fire was in a controlled fire pit and no citations were written. Crain added that the county has an ongoing burn ban in place. Corbell remained until after the meeting, helping break down tables and put away chairs.
Building permits were approved for two small projects, including a new fence and upgrades to a trailer. A permit for a mobile shed was tabled for further information.
Claims for April were reviewed and approved, as were water, sewer and garbage accounts for the month.
The next regular meeting is set for June 14.