Culbertson Students Recognized At Ignite Montana Conference
Culbertson Jobs for Montana Graduates students were unable to attend the state conference this year due to the pandemic, but JMG Southwest District program manager Christopher Facundo sent Culbertson’s Mary Machart a video of the virtual awards ceremony May 13, followed by a shipment of new awards. Staff and teachers spoke at the ceremony and Governor Greg Gianforte delivered a short message.
Culbertson teams and individuals placed in the following categories: Junior High Web Page Design, first place; Project-Based Learning, Culbertson High School, second place; Junior High Decision-Making, Angel Burciaga (second place), Dawson Bergum (third place); Junior High Meme, Gavin Dean (third place); High School Meme; Carson Solem, first place; Junior High Public Speaking: Reese Moon, first place, Jazzmin Fugere, second place; Individual Talent, Zack Kirby, third place.