town limits. The ordinance will ….
town limits. The ordinance will take effect at the end of July.
A special use permit was issued for Simard Park on June 26. The Heritage America Celebration is set for that date. Brett Portra was approved for a building permit at 309 Duval Street. He will be building a garage. Amanda Kinney requested a permit for a new mud room and deck at 619 Evans Street. It was also approved.
The council approved a resolution permitting fireworks in town limits from June 29-July 5, provided no official burn ban is in place at that time.
A resolution was passed requesting distribution of Bridge, Road Safety and Accountability funds. American Rescue Plan Act funds have been received in the amount of approximately $40,000. An additional $40,000 will be received in June, 2021.
Resolutions were passed for fiscal year 2021-22 and the adoption of a preliminary budget.
The council discussed the new budget and Capitol Improvement Plan. A budget committee meeting is set for July 14 at 7:30 p.m.
The treasurer’s report was reviewed and approved, as were claims, checks and vouchers.
The next regular council meeting is set for July 12 at 7:30 p.m.