Candidates File For Mayor Positions
Three individuals seeking to be mayor of Bainville have highlighted the list of election filings in Roosevelt County. Filing deadline was Monday, June 21.
Incumbent Dennis Portra has filed to remain the community’s mayor. Also filing were Scott Ross and Toby Romo.
Filing to serve on Bainville’s town council were Ronald Butikofer, Patricia Bundy, Nicholas Tester, Matthew Giese and Carol Rasmussen.
Culbertson Mayor Larry Crowder has re-filed for that position. Council members re-filing were David Solem and Mark Nelson.
Sheri Crain has also re-filed for mayor in Froid. Filing to be on the council were Robert Corbell and Tyler Harris.
Sharon Schmitz of Culbertson and Kathleen Thompson of Froid have filed to be trustees for the Culbertson hospital district.