Miss Rodeo, Miss Teen Rodeo Contests Set
Exciting new additions to this year’s Wolf Point Wild Horse Stampede include the Miss Rodeo Wild Horse Stampede and Miss Teen Rodeo Wild Horse Stampede Queen competitions.
“We wanted to provide an opportunity for the young women who wanted to become more involved in rodeo and the Stampede,” said Vanessa Hardy, organizer of the event.
Hardy, who is a member of the Wolf Point Wild Horse Stampede committee, said that it’s been more than 30 years since such a competition has taken part in conjunction with Stampede.
The Miss Teen portion is for girls between the ages of 12-17 and the Queen portion is for women between the ages of 18-23.
The horsemanship competition was set to begin at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, July 7, at Marvin Brookman Stadium. Speech and modeling were scheduled to start at 1 p.m. at the Sherman Inn. Coronation immediately followed.
Hardy noted the hard work that the girls have done in preparation for the competitions. She hopes that the free admission events are well attended. Three judges will decide awards. Donovan Archambault will serve as emcee.
“Any support and encouragement for these girls will be important,” Hardy said.
The event is divided into four categories: horsemanship, appearance, speech, and poise and projection. Each one counts for 25 percent of the overall score. There are prizes for each category winner as well as the overall winners and the first runner-up. Winners will receive banners, crowns and a custom- made belt buckle.
Miss Rodeo Wild Horse Stampede and Miss Teen Rodeo Wild Horse Stampede Queen will also qualify for Montana’s Miss Rodeo and Miss Rodeo Teen competitions.
The speech category will consist of an up to 2½-minute prepared speech about western lifestyle, professional rodeo or the Stampede.
Hardy, a former Miss North Dakota High School Rodeo Queen, monitored an instructional seminar for the contestants last week. The workshop included guest speakers.
“It helps them get outside on their box,” Hardy said of the program’s benefits. “It will offer so many opportunities to them. It’s a huge growing experience for these girls.”