Wolf Point Police Blotter
( Publisher’s Note: The following blotter includes the activities of the Wolf Point police and fire department Aug. 2-8. All those cited or arrested are presumed innocent.) Citations were issued to:
August 2
Vernon Birdsbill, 80, male, Fourth Avenue South and Main Street, stop sign violation, tribal court.
August 3
Pepper Zimmerman, 59, female, Fourth Avenue North and Johnson Street, rightof- way violation, municipal court.
Dawntana Nation, 19, female, Fourth Avenue North and Johnson Street, driving without a license, no vehicle registration and no insurance, tribal court. Kimberly Sparvior, 50, female, 300 block of Main Street, criminal trespass to property and disorderly conduct, municipal court.
Rosalie Bear, 22, female, Triangle Park, disorderly conduct, municipal court.
August 4
Twelve-year-old female, 400 block of Blaine Street, curfew violation, tribal court.
Thirteen-year-old female, 400 block of Blaine Street, curfew violation, tribal court.
August 5
Leland Jones, 25, male, 200 block of East Main Street, carrying concealed weapon and theft of belongings from motor vehicle, tribal court.
Auriona Garfield, 19, female, 200 block of East Main Street, warrant, tribal court.
August 8
Brett Damon, 58, male, 400 block of U.S. Highway 2, endangering welfare of a child and partner/family member assault, tribal court.
Samuel Birdtail Sr., 33, male, 400 block of Cascade Street, aggravated assault, tribal court.
In addition to the citations above, the WPPD had the following activity: animal/ found, two; animal/ stray, two; assault, two; assistance required/law enforcement, two; assistance required/public, five; burglary/ business/forcible, three; burglary/residential/ no force, one; civil complaint/ restraining order, one; custodial interference custodial interference, one; disorderly conduct/fight, 10; disorderly conduct/other, eight; disorderly conduct/ vagrant, six; disturbance/ arguments, three; disturbance/ fireworks, one; disturbance/ panhandling, one; disturbance/remove unwanted person, eight; domestic abuse, eight; driving under the influence/alcohol, one; fraud, one; harassment, four; indecent exposure, one; medical assistance, 10; other, one; patrol/city limits, seven; prostitution, one; public intoxication/open container, five; public safety - liquid/gases, one; simple assault, one; stolen property/ other, two; stolen vehicle, four; suicide attempt/juvenile female, one; suspicious activity, one; suspicious activity/ premises, two; suspicious person, two; theft, five; threats, two; traffic crime/ careless driving, one; traffic crime/reckless driver, one; traffic injury/other motor vehicle, one; traffic/other, one; traffic property/other motor vehicle, one; trespassing, three; unsecured premises/ law enforcement reported, one; vandalism, three; vandalism/ motor vehicle, one; vandalism/residence, one; weapon offense, three; welfare check, six; total, 139.