Bainville FFA Earns National Recognition
Bainville FFA students have received national recognition for their efforts during last school year. The National FFA recently announced the award winners and finalists for the agriscience fair, agricultural proficiency awards and national chapter awards.
Bainville’s Wyatt Iverson and Rudy Kummer are national finalist for agriscience fair in the power, structural and technical systems category for division 6.
Kaden Hansen of Bainville received a bronze ranking for entrepreneurship/placement in diversified agricultural production. Receiving similar awards from Richey were Caleb Senner in diversified crop production and Jayden Goosen in grain production.
Bainville was one of three Montana programs to earn one star chapter rankings. The other chapters were Columbus and Shield Valley.
Receiving three-star chapter awards were Beaverhead, Shepherd and Simms. Earning two-star chapter honors were Fromberg, Joliet, Kalispell and Park City.