Southside Elementary (PK-3) 415 4th Avenue South 406-653-1480 Northside Elementary (4-6) 710 4th Avenue North 406-653-1653 Junior High/High School (7-12) 213 6th Avenue South 406-653-1200 ENROLLMENT INFORMATION
You must enroll with the secretary at the school building your child will be attending.
Documents needed for registration are: Birth certificate, Proof of immunization (see immunization section below), Legal guardianship papers, if appropriate, Tribal enrollment documentation (Tribal ID Card and Certificate of Indian Blood) Any grade reports or transcripts you may have IMMUNIZATION
Students who have not been immunized or are exempt from immunization will be excluded from school until they are immunized or deemed exempt as ordered by Montana School Law (Section 20.5.40320.5.406, Administrative Rules of Montana). YOUR CHILD WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO ATTEND SCHOOL UNTIL A COPY OF HIS/HER IMMUNIZATION IS RECEIVED. In event of an epidemic, ALL STUDENTS ON EXEMPT STATUS will be excluded from school for the duration of the epidemic. Below is a schedule of Immunizations for school entry minimum requirements: Vaccines Required for School Attendance, Preschool -12th Grade VACCINE PRESCHOOL Haemophilus influenza Type B (Hib) 1 dose (given on or after the 1st birthday, unless child is older than 59 months) Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis (DTaP, DT, Td, Tdap) 4 doses Polio (IPV or OPV) 3 doses Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) 1 dose (dose must be given on or after 1st birthday) Varicella “chickenpox” (Var) 1 dose (dose must be given on or after 1st birthday) VACCINE KINDERGARTEN - 12TH GRADE Haemophilus influenza Type B (Hib) None Needed Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis (DTaP, DT, Td, Tdap) 4 doses (one dose must be given on or after 4th birthday) Plus 1 dose of Tdap (prior to entering 7th grade) Polio (IPV or OPV) 3 doses (one dose must be given on or after 4th birthday)
Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) 2 doses (first dose must be given on or after 1st birthday, and spacing between doses is 4 weeks) Varicella “chickenpox” (Var) 2 doses (first dose must be given on or after 1st birthday, spacing between doses is 12 weeks for children under 13 years, and 4 weeks for those 13 years and older.
Note: A four-day grace period may apply, as appropriate, per the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practice (ACIP) recommendations.
Hearing screenings will be conducted for all kindergarten and first grade students and any new K-3 students in October.
The annual speech and language screening for all kindergarten children will take place in October. Parents will be notified and asked to give permission if further evaluation is needed for their child.
The school district provides shuttle bus service between the Northside and Southside Schools before and after school.
This is subject to change.
Schedules will be available on August 23, 2021, at 7:45 a.m. in the Multi-Purpose Room (MPR).
Students in grades 7-12 will meet in the gym on August 23, 2021, at 8:00 a.m. Following the introduction of staff members and general announcements, the students will report to their first period class to receive their student handbooks and other important data. Class meetings will be held the first week of school for further announcements and explanation of general procedures.
Activity tickets can be purchased as follows: Grades 1-6 for $35.00, Grades 7-12 for $50.00, and Adult activity tickets for $70.00. Students must be present at the time of purchase as the district issues a phototype activity ticket. Applications for Golden Age Passes (62 and over) may be picked up at the high school office.
Ticket prices at the door will be $5.00 for students in grades 1-12 and $7.00 for adults.
Wolf Point School District is participating in a medical benefit contract that will provide benefits for accidental bodily injury incurred while attending regular school sessions, participating in schoolsponsored extracurricular activities, participating in school sponsored interscholastic sports, and traveling directly to and from school for regular school session and while traveling to and from school-sponsored extracurricular activities while under the supervision of a school employee. It is supplemental insurance, intended to provide protection beyond a person’s personal insurance. Therefore, you must first file a claim with your family insurance coverage.
Additional coverages may be purchased for extended coverages and your student will be bringing home an informational letter explaining the plan.
The Wolf Point School District is committed to providing school environments that promote and protect children’s health, well-being, and ability to learn by supporting healthy eating and physical activity. The Wolf Point School District #45-45A serves nutritious breakfasts and lunches every day. Students must eat at the buildings where they are enrolled and no eating in building they are not enrolled in. The wellness policy can be located on the district’s website at www.wolfpointschools. org under Our District – District Policy Manual.
Breakfast and Lunch will be served at no cost to all students grades K-12. Breakfast starts at 7:30 a.m. each morning at each school building. Households will not be asked to complete a free and reduced-price school meals application.
In accordance with federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TTY). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
Food allergies are very common in children. Generally, children with food allergies or intolerances do not have a disability as defined under either Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act or Part B of IDEA, and the school food service may, but is not required to, make food substitutions for them. However, when in the licensed physician’s assessment, food allergies may result in severe, life-threatening (anaphylactic) reactions, the child’s condition would meet the definition of “disability,” and the substitutions prescribed by the licensed physician must be made. If your student has a food allergy that constitutes a “disability” please inform the School Nutrition Program by calling the secretaries at each school.
The Southside School schedule is as follows: Pre-School – AM session: 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. PM session: 12:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Kindergarten – 3rd Grade day begins at 8:05 a.m. and ends at 3:55 p.m. Monday-Thursday.
The Northside School day begins at 8:00 a.m. and ends at 4:09 p.m. Monday-Thursday.
The Junior High/High School day begins at 8:00 a.m. and ends at 4:09 p.m. Monday-Thursday.
• All times are subject to change, please contact your school for exact start dates and times.
• We are asking parents/guardians pre-monitor students at home for symptoms of COVID-19. Some symptoms include but are not limited to cough, fever higher than 100.4, sore throat, loss of smell and taste, runny nose etc. If they have some or all of the symptoms, please keep them home and get them to your local health care provider.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) requires that directory information regarding your child be released by the district to anyone who requests it ONLY IF parents have been notified and they have been given the right to reject the release of any or all of their child/ren’s directory information.
Directory information ordinarily includes the following:
• Student’s name
• Participation in officially recognized activities and sports
• Weight and height of members of athletic teams
• Photographs
• Dates of attendance
• Awards received in school
• Most recent previous school attended In exercising your right to limit release of this information, please contact the school where your student attends and inform them of which directory information item(s), if any, you wish the district to withhold about your child. Wolf Point Junior High/High School 653-1200 Northside School 653-1653 Southside School 653-1480 Your objection must be filed within ten days of the publication of this notice.
Qualifications of Teachers
In accordance with the federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, you may request information regarding your child’s classroom teacher(s) if you wish. If requested, the information will be provided in a timely manner in an understandable and uniform format. The information you may request regarding your child’s classroom teacher is as follows: 1. Whether the teacher has met state qualification and licensing criteria for the grade; levels and subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction.
2. Whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or other provisional status through which state qualifications or licensing criteria have been waived. Emergency Authorized Educators (EAE)s or other provisional status are asterisked in the staff directory list.
3. The baccalaureate degree major of the teacher and any other graduate certification or degree held by the teacher, and the field discipline of the certificate or degree; and/or 4. Whether the student is provided services by paraprofessionals and, if so, their qualifications.
If you would like to receive this information on your child’s classroom teacher(s), please stop by the District Office of the Wolf Point Schools and complete a request form. We are located at 400 Fallon Street, and the phone number is 653-2361.
NOTICE OF NON-DISCRIMINATION UNDER TITLE VI, TITLE IX, SECTION 504, AGE DISCRIMINATION ACT, TITLE II OF THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT This statute requires school districts to not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex disability and age. For more information, log on to http://www.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/responsibilities_ix_ ps.html.
The District will provide a free appropriate public education and necessary related services to all children with disabilities residing within the District, as required under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), provisions of Montana law, and the Americans with Disabilities Act.
For students eligible for services under IDEA, the District will follow procedures for identification, evaluation, placement, and delivery of service to children with disabilities, as provided in the current Montana State Plan under Part B of IDEA.
The District may maintain membership in one or more cooperative associations which may assist in fulfilling the District’s obligations to its disabled students.
Wolf Point School District Policy 2162 states that it is the intent of the District to ensure that students who are disabled within the definition of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 are identified, evaluated, and provided with appropriate educational services. For those students who need or are believed to need special instruction and/or related services under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the District shall establish and implement a system of procedural safeguards. The safeguards shall cover students’ identification, evaluation, and educational placement. This system shall include: notice, an opportunity for the student’s parent or legal guardian to examine relevant records, an impartial hearing with opportunity for participation by the student’s parent or legal guardian, and a review procedure.
Please contact Loverty Erickson, Superintendent, at (406) 653-5540 with any questions or for further information.
Wolf Point School supports the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act and has adopted Policy 3125 – Education of Homeless Children. Every child of a homeless individual and every homeless child are entitled to equal access to the same free, appropriate public education as provided to children with permanent housing. The District must assign and admit a child who is homeless to a District school regardless of residence and irrespective of whether the homeless child is able to produce records normally required for enrollment. The District may not require an out-of-District attendance agreement and tuition for a homeless child.
Should a child become homeless over the course of the school year, the child must be able to remain at the school of origin, or be eligible to attend another school in the district.
The Superintendent will review and revise as necessary rules or procedures that may be barriers to enrollment of homeless children and youths. In reviewing and revising such procedures, the Superintendent will consider issues of transportation, immunization, residence, birth certificates, school records, and other documentation.
The Wolf Point School District Policies 2132 and 3410 address the protection of Pupil Rights Amendment regarding issues such as surveys of students, physical exams, instructional materials, personal information used for marketing. Wolf Point School District Policies are located at www.wolfpointschools.org under Our District – District Policy Manual.
We are concerned about the health and safety of our students, staff, and all others who may visit our facility. Asbestos has been used as a building material for many years. The EPA began action to limit uses of asbestos products in 1973 and most uses of asbestos products as building material were banned in 1978.
We have had our facility inspected by an accredited asbestos inspector. The inspector located, sampled and rated the condition and hazard potential for all materials in our facilities suspected of containing asbestos. A copy of the asbestos inspection report is available for your inspection in our administrative offices during regular office hours by appointment. The Maintenance Director is our asbestos program manager and inquiries regarding the plan should be directed to his attention.
We continue to implement the recommendations from the inspection report. We are intent on complying with federal, state and local regulations in this area. We plan to take whatever steps are necessary to ensure you and our students, employees, and visitors have a healthy and safe environment.
The District endorses the parent and family engagement goals of Title I and encourages the regular participation of parents and family members (including parents and families of migrant students if applicable) of Title I eligible children in all aspects of the program to establish the agency’s expectations and objectives for meaningful parent and family involvement. The education of children is viewed as a cooperative effort among the parents, family members, school, and community. In this policy the word “parent” also includes guardians and other family members involved in supervising the child’s schools. Wolf Point School District Policies are located at www.wolfpointschools.org under Our District – District Policy Manual.
Reum, Corey E Trustee – District 1 Hansen, Linda L. Chairperson - District 2 Hamilton Jr., Lawrence Trustee – District 3 DeCoteau Lingle, Elizabeth Corey Trustee – District 4 Clark, Lanette Vice-Chairperson – District 5 Zilkoski, Mark Trustee – District At-Large DISTRICT STAFF
Erickson, Loverty Superintendent Nygard, Cheri’ Business Manager/District Clerk Erickson, Naomi Federal Programs Coordinator/Board Secretary Hanks, LaRae Payroll/Claims Clerk Hanks, Cole Technology Administrator Chambers, Sarah Director of Curriculum & Instructional Leadership Edmundson, Aaron Scott IT System Support Smit, Kristi Speech/Language Pathologist *Toavs, Patricia Special Education Director **Vun, Andrew School Psychologist SOUTHSIDE ADMINISTRATION
*Dennis, Laura Preschool Teacher Amy Benson Kindergarten Teacher *Wilkening, Ashlee Kindergarten Teacher Talks Different, Dorian Kindergarten Teacher Richter, Nancy Kindergarten Teacher FIRST GRADE CERTIFIED STAFF
**Larkin, Sarah First Grade Teacher *Sorley, Jane First Grade Teacher Struttmann, Hannah First Grade Teacher SECOND GRADE CERTIFIED STAFF
Beckers, Kim Second Grade Teacher Hoversland, Dianne Second Grade Teacher Leddige, Judy Second Grade Teacher Whitmus, Trinity Second Grade Teacher THIRD GRADE CERTIFIED STAFF
**Macopobre, Kristel Third Grade Teacher TBA Third Grade Teacher Escarcega-Turcotte, Rain Third Grade Teacher
Azure, Rainey Intervention Teacher *Page, Joelle Counselor **Acenas, Melissa Special Education Teacher Hansen, Laura Special Education Teacher *Mowoh, Edwin Health Enhancement *Bates, Angela Librarian Zimmerman, Connie Music *Martell, Shelby Specials Teacher SOUTHSIDE SUPPORT PERSONNEL
Figueroa, Angela Family School Coordinator Sievers, Ellen BLC Paraprofessional St. Germaine, Travis Paraprofessional Mowoh, Janet Paraprofessional Smith, Leanne Paraprofessional Sietsema, Tiffany Paraprofessional Medicine Stone, Melissa Paraprofessional Umphreys, JubileeJade Non-Instructional Paraprofessional Wasser, Taunya PK Paraprofessional NORTHSIDE ADMINISTRATION
Adams, Dezi Fourth Grade Teacher **Baker, Andrea Fourth Grade Teacher Noser, Katie Fourth Grade Teacher FIFTH GRADE CERTIFIED STAFF
Welte, Helen Fifth Grade Teacher Hamilton, Emily Fifth Grade Teacher Drummond, Bridget Fifth Grade Teacher SIXTH GRADE CERTIFIED STAFF
Burshia, Brandi Sixth Grade ELA/Social Studies Teacher **Tumonong, Ronell Sixth Grade Math/Social Studies Teacher **Tumonong, Andrew Sixth Grade Science/Social Studies Teacher NORTHSIDE OTHER CERTIFIED STAFF
Johnson, Russell Band Teacher **Vun, Andrew School Psychologist/Behavior Intervention Benson, Frank Health Enhancement/PE Teacher Taylor, Diane Special Education Teacher *Smith, Christina PM Librarian Legare, Grant Counselor *Chamberlain, Kristie Technology & Keyboarding
Smith, Christina AM Paraprofessional Boysun, Brenda Special Education Paraprofessional Pronto, Terra Paraprofessional Martell-Hawk, Sonia Special Education Paraprofessional Olsen, Beth Non-Instructional Paraprofessional Plestina, John Cross Walk & Bus Monitor Taylor, Cheryl Family School Coordinator JUNIOR HIGH/HIGH SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION
Hanks, Kim HS Principal Gourneau, Greg JH Principal Peterson, Eric Activities Director JUNIOR HIGH/HIGH SCHOOL CERTIFIED STAFF SOCIAL STUDIES
Traeholt, Abigail JH Social Studies ENGLISH/SOCIAL STUDIES Moore, Cristina JH/HS Language Arts/HS US History Darby, Tiffany HS Language Arts Evans, Douglas HS Language Arts/HS Government/Current Events MATH
Montgomery, Scott JH Math Campbell, Amanda JH Math *Sande, Lori JH Math Kolstad, Sharon HS Math Connelley, Wendy HS Math Aliu, Agboola HS Math McGowan, Karli Math Intervention Specialist/HS Social Studies
Stevens, Rona JH Science Red Cloud, Anthony JH Science Larson, Leslie HS Science Posario, Eileen HS Science FINE ARTS
Johnson, Russell JH/HS Band & JH/HS Chorus Schultz, Vivian JH/HS Art ELECTIVES
Horsmon, Dan JH/HS Business Page, RC Industrial Arts Toavs, Jr. Martin Jeff Agricultural Education *Wall, Laura Librarian Welch, Tressa JH/HS Native American Studies
Cromwell, Melissa Health Enhancement/PE Teacher Gardner, John PE Teacher McMorris, Jeff Credit Recovery Monitor Payne, Patricia JH/HS Special Education Peterson, Eric Health Enhancement/PE Teacher Ragland, Joyce “Cookie” OLC Teacher Loendorf, Erin HS Counselor Toavs, Patricia JH/HS Special Education Zilkoski, Myrle JH Counselor JH/HS SUPPORT PERSONNEL
Brock, Jason JH/HS Learning Center Paraprofessional Harrison, Anthony JH/HS Special Education Paraprofessional MacDonald, James JH/HS Special Education Paraprofessional Sutherland, Janaeya Chante’ Coordinator Vandall, Shirley JH/HS Special Education Paraprofessional Wallette, Carol JH/HS Special Education Paraprofessional SECRETARIAL STAFF
Benton, Crystal Student Accounts Clerk/Secretary DeWitt, Arden JH/HS Attendance Secretary Eanes, Michelle Southside Secretary Talks Different, Carrie JH/HS Secretary Landsrud, Ann Northside Secretary CUSTODIAL STAFF
Hines, Kory SS Head Custodian Smith, Maverick SS Assistant Custodian Eymard, Emar NS Head Custodian Clampitt, Ken NS Assistant Custodian Solberg-Strader, Elizabeth JH/HS Head Custodian Nation, Antonio JH/HS Assistant Custodian Reed Shane District Maintenance Boysun, Shawn District Bus Maintenance Keller, Rick Assistant Facilities Worker SCHOOL NUTRITION PROGRAM STAFF
Tumonong, Richie School Nutrition Program Director Smith, Riggins Lunch Van Driver/Assistant Cook Tiernan, Jhett Assistant Cook DeWitt, Diane Head Cook Hanks, Darlene Assistant Cook Tapaha, Arthur Assistant Cook Hopson, Nancy Assistant Cook/Bookkeeper TRANSPORTATION STAFF
Schultz, Vivian Route/Activity Bus Driver Richard, Allen Activity Bus Driver Boysun, Shawn Substitute Route Driver and Activity Bus Driver Blount, George Activity Bus Driver Whitmus, Jeff Activity Bus Driver *Emergency Authorized Educator – Could be certified teacher needing a different endorsement only or could need complete endorsement in an area. **Emergency Authorized Educator – Certified Teacher that needs Praxis for Montana Certification.