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Hauge Denied Head Golf Coach Spot

Board Keeps Out-Of-District Hold In Place

The Culbertson School board held their regular meeting Tuesday, Aug. 17, at 6:30 p.m. Trustees present included Paul Finnicum, Luke Anderson, Eric Bergum, Mark Colvin and Ian Walker. Larry Crowder, Mike Olson, Dave Solem and Lora Finnicum were also in attendance.

Following the approval of the agenda and July minutes, Colvin made motion to pay the August bills, approve investments, note cash and extra- curricular balances. The motion carried unanimously.

Reports were presented. Fall sports have started and Solem gave participation numbers. It was also noted that the boiler system is being finalized and pressure tested for leaks.

Anderson made motion to approve student council for high school gym cleaning at $125 per event. The motion carried unanimously.

The board reviewed comments received on the second reading of district policies. Bergum made motion to approve policies as amended, which carried. Policy 3550 will be considered at the next meeting. The board also reviewed ESSER III priorities of classroom support, technology and cleaning/sanitizing with no recommended changes.

Walker made motion to continue the hold on out-of-district enrollment for seventh grade until current numbers fall below 20 students. If numbers fall below 20, administration would considered enrollments, one student at a time, and based on good standing from the previous school.

Advertisement will continue for part-time maintenance. Colvin made motion to hire Joseph McCarty and Maddison Avance as part-time evening custodians. The motion carried unanimously. Anderson made motion to hire Keri Hauenstein as Annual Advisor, which carried unanimously.

Anderson made motion to hire DJ Hauge as high school golf head coach. Anderson was for the motion, Bergum, Colvin and Walker opposed, motion failed. Bergum made motion to hire Lee Vandall as junior high football assistant coach, which carried unanimously.

Walker made motion to hire Jessica Kierstad and Lynn Reiland as guest teachers, pending background checks. The motion carried unanimously.

Colvin made motion to approve bus route changes for Route 2 (146.3 miles), Route 4 (162.8 miles), Route 5 (a.m. 83.0 miles), and Route 5A (p.m. 105.8 miles). Motion carried unanimously. Bergum made motion to approve the individual transportation contract for the Rico-Heras family, which carried unanimously. Colvin made motion to approve the student attendance agreements with Bainville, Lambert and Culbertson students. The motion carried.

Anderson made motion to approve the proposed band rental agreements charging $60 per rental. Concerns expressed for students who would be unable to pay. Jennesy Taberna will assess and report at the next meeting.

Colvin made motion to approve disposition of property of desks, keyboards, mice, projectors and a scoreboard. Motion carried. Items will be posted for free on first come, first served basis.

Anderson made motion to approve the 2021-2022 budgets as presented. Taxable valuations declined markedly. Motion carried.

During discussion of non-agenda items, comments were made about the poor condition of the exterior of the Old Armory. Crowder said he would obtain a quote for painting. Appreciation was expressed from the staff for meals and treats.

The next regular board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, Sept. 14, 2021 at 6:30 p.m.

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