Lodging Numbers Improve In Region
As expected, lodging numbers were much improved in northeastern Montana during the second quarter of this year compared to the same time period of 2020.
In Roosevelt County, the gross lodging tax total was $17,506 from April 1 through June 30. Revenue collected is 4 percent of lodging price.
That $17,506 figure is 78 percent more than the 2020 figure of $9,868 for that quarter. The 2019 figure was $18,529 for that quarter, which was 16 percent more than the 2018 number.
In Richland County, the gross lodging tax total was $34,013 for the quarter, which is 51 percent higher than its 2020 figure. The 2019 figure for the county for those three months was $42,175.
Valley County’s gross lodging tax was $47,734 for the quarter. That figure is 60 percent than the same quarter for 2020. The number for 2019 was $46,842.
In Sheridan County, the gross lodging tax total was $10,475 for the quarter. That figure is a 71 percent increase over 2020. The tax total for the quarter in 2019 was $9,066.
Daniels County had a total of $3,928 in 2021, which is a 59 percent increase compared to 2020. The figure was $3,854 for the quarter in 2019.