Parents To Receive Mask Survey
The Wolf Point School District will send a survey to parents in order to measure their desire whether students and staff should be wearing masks inside school buildings.
A recent community survey conducted by the school shows that 42 percent feel that masks should be optional, 36 percent feel masks should be required and 22 percent feel masks should not be required. Of the 100 people who responded to the survey, 86 perfect want students to physically attend classes.
Resident Debra Loendorf stressed during the school board meeting on Monday, Sept. 13, that the survey results aren’t current.
“I feel it needs to be re-evaluated daily. The [case] numbers are going up,” she said to trustees. She would like the school district to require masks like it did last school year.
She noted some individuals might have COVID, but they don’t want to pay for testing. “There are a lot more people that have it than those numbers.”
Patricia Toavs, president of the Wolf Point Education Association, said a survey of certified staff members two weeks ago show that 71 percent at the junior and senior high want masks to be optional, 70 percent at Northside want masks to be optional and 63 percent at Southside prefer masks to be optional.
After Loendorf suggested that people should be required to either be vaccinated or wear masks, school officials said that can’t be legally conducted.
Trustees agreed that sending a survey to parents would be a good step in the process.
Trustee Lanette Clark said she would like to go back to wearing masks at schools. “I don’t think it’s too much to ask.”
Trustee Dr. Mark Zilkoski added, “I’m a mask guy. I also know some people don’t agree with that. I believe the survey is a good step.”
Board chair Linda L. Hansen noted, “As parents, you can encourage your children to wear masks.”