Wolf Point Police Blotter
( Publisher’s Note: The following blotter includes the activities of the Wolf Point police department Sept. 6-12. All those cited or arrested are presumed innocent.) Citations were issued to:
September 7
James Alexander, 45, male, 400 block of Blaine Street, open container, tribal court.
Paul Redstar, 55, male, 400 block of Blaine Street, disorderly conduct, tribal court.
September 10
Clarice Eagleman, 46, female, 400 block of Blaine Street, open container, tribal court.
Rollie White, 50, male, 400 block of Blaine Street, open container, tribal court.
Lesleigh Williams, 21, female, 500 block of Custer Street, criminal mischief, tribal court.
Garbiel Robinson, 18, male, 200 block of Third Avenue South, robbery and theft, tribal court.
September 11
Jesse Demarrias, 29, male, 400 block of U.S. Highway 2, public intoxication and theft, tribal court.
In addition to the citations above, the WPPD had the following activity: abandoned auto, one; alarm/fire, one; alarm/medical, one; animal/ barking dog, one; animal/ dog bite, two; animal/stray, two; assault, two; assault w/ weapon, one; assistance required/ funeral, one; assistance required/public, one; attempted burglary/residential, one; attempted theft, one; burglary/residential/ forcible, three; child abuse, two; child neglect, one; criminal mischief, one; disorderly conduct/vagrant, four; disturbance/ house party, one; disturbance/party, one; disturbance/ remove unwanted person, five; domestic abuse, four; fire/grass, one; fire/other, one; harassment, one; medical assistance, one; misdial 911, one; missing person/ adult, one; motorcycle theft, one; motor vehicle theft, two; other, two; patrol/ city limits, five; property/ found, one; public intoxication/ open container, seven; public safety - liquid/gases, one; sex offence/other, one; stolen property/possess, one; suspicious activity/premises, one; suspicious circumstances, one; suspicious person, one; suspicious vehicle, one; theft, three; theft from motor vehicle, two; traffic crime/ careless driving, one; traffic crime/hit and run, one; traffic crime, one; traffic crime/ reckless driver, two; traffic incident, two; traffic property/ other motor vehicle, one; traffic roads/parking, three; trespassing, one; truancy, four; unsecured premises/ law enforcement reported, one; vandalism, one; vandalism/ motor vehicle, two; weapon offense, one; welfare check, six; total, 100.