New Online Resource Answers Questions From Hunters
Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks staff answer thousands of questions every year from both new and experienced hunters. A new online resource is now available to answer many of those questions and connect hunters with helpful information as they plan their hunt.
FWP has created a frequently asked questions guidebook to help make many aspects of hunting in Montana easier to understand, especially for people who are new to hunting in the state. This guidebook is one of several other online resources, such as FWP’s new website and Hunt Planner, that are available or being developed as part of an effort to simplify and enhance opportunities for Montana hunters.
The guidebook is a companion resource with the published hunting regulations. It includes answers to 44 frequently asked questions on six main topics: information about FWP, Montana’s hunting license structure, hunter access, tools for planning your hunt, wildlife biology, and bears in Montana.
Whether you’re wondering about the difference between preference points and bonus points, what’s allowed under Montana’s Stream Access Law, or at what elevation to hunt elk, the hunting FAQ guidebook can help.
To view and download the online guidebook, visit fwp.