City Acquires Six Blighted Properties
At the Wolf Point City Council’s regular monthly meeting Monday, Sept. 20, a resolution was passed to cancel the planned municipal elections due to the fact that there were no contested positions. All candidates ran unopposed. Council appointments will need to be made before January for open positions.
Six properties on Wolf Point’s south side have been taken over by the city from Roosevelt County in an ongoing effort to combat blight. The council’s urban renewal committee and city attorney Anna Rose Sullivan have been supervising the process. The six properties include 400 Eureka St., 408 Eureka St., 428 Eureka St., 420 Custer St., 501 Custer St. and 416 Custer St. Updates are planned for the Oct. 18 council meeting. A committee meeting has been scheduled for Oct. 14 at 5:10 p.m.
The Montana League of Cities and Towns will hold its annual meeting virtually in October. Clerk Marlene Mahlum will be attending.
The council passed a resolution approving the airport budget, with items listed as payable through 2028.
The sprinkler system at the baseball fields has been completed. Greg Lukasik from Great West Engineering said the boiler for the pool is still in the process of being repaired and painting is planned.
A grant package was signed from Western Bank for $5,000 for parks and recreation projects.
One outstanding building permit was listed for Agland to build at the old Gysler building. The permit for McDonald’s is still pending.
Tina Betshismedicine reported that 113 animals were spayed and/ or neutered at the September Wolf Point Pound Puppies’ clinic.
The council approved $15,000 for additional costs for a new police car.
Street patching and repairs were reported as ongoing. Mayor Chris Dschaak said patched city streets are soft and easily damaged. He said city residents should drive slow and treat the streets with care to help extend the life of the repairs.
The council approved Wolf Point High School’s homecoming parade/ Native American Week parade plans.
A suicide awareness walk was approved for Tuesday, Sept. 28.
Task Order #5 in the amount of $25,000 in grant funding was approved for Great West Engineering to hire a site consultant to help get fieldwork done on the early phases of the wastewater improvement project.
Garbage rate increases for residents from outside the city were discussed. Mahlum provided a history of rates dating back to 2004. No increases have been approved in many years. A resolution was passed to raise the rates to $32 per ton construction waste and $48 per ton household items for non-residents. The rate increases will take place within 30 days.
During personnel, policy and wages, the council passed a resolution keeping the city clerk position open through Sept. 30. City clerk Mahlum is set to retire in January. Officer Tyler Osborn has resigned from the Wolf Point City Police Department.
Mahlum submitted her activity report and the July and August expense reports. The revenue and expense reports were approved. Dschaak said the Fireman’s Ball is planned for Oct. 9 beginning at 5 p.m. He said tickets are on sale now and all former and current firefighters and their spouses are welcome to attend free.
The next council meeting is set for Oct. 18 at 7 p.m.