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more growth. How ….

more growth.

How do you feel that Bainville can grow as a community?

Portra: As ag and oil grow so will Bainville. We have an excellent school so families with school aged children like to live in the area.

Romo: In the town of Bainville Policy Book, there is a Standing Committees section. 2.04.020. There are five standing committees that the mayor appoints in January of each year. 1. Committee on Sewer & Water, 2. Committee on Streets, 3. Committee on Fire, 4. Committee on Police & Public Safety, 5. Committee on Community Development. To me this is exciting that the town can put together a group of people who are passionate and most likely experienced in these five areas. I would be looking for a council member and then anyone in the 59212 zip code to participate on these committees. Getting community involvement in these five areas would be a great way to create growth in our community.

Any other comments you would like to share: Portra: This is a great place to raise a family. I have little doubt that it will grow again.

Romo: I am excited for the opportunity to help lead our town in a mayor’s role. I am ready to find ways to improve and highlight the benefits of small town life. Although people are looking for workers around the area, I see so many locals working on our fire departments and ambulance crews. The churches always step in to do their part when there is a need for weddings and funerals. The American Legion is always faithful to put on a good Memorial Day service and our local businesses including the school are providing summer activities and work for many people in the area. There are a lot of good things happening and I hope to keep the momentum going. Please vote for me if you are able and think about a committee you would like to serve on! Thank you!

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