Commissioners Discuss Sheriff’s Budget
Roosevelt County commissioners discussed a resolution on Tuesday, Oct. 19, that would put $60,000 from the county building fund to the public safety fund in order to pay for utilities at the new jail.
Commissioner Gordon Oelkers requested the resolution because of sheriff’s office budget concerns. The office has been receiving less funds from the community of Poplar as well as less revenue than anticipated from jail occupancy.
“He’s been hurting so badly for cash reserves,” Oelkers said.
Commissioners Gary Macdonald and Duane Nygaard each voiced disagreement regarding the proposed resolution. Macdonald noted that the sheriff’s office has received an additional $2.27 million through other funds and increased mill levies since 2015- 2016.
“I can’t see increasing it by any more,” Macdonald said.
Nygaard added, “It doesn’t correct the budget by any means.”
Commissioners agreed that public safety is one of their biggest concerns.
“We have to work something out or the budget will keep going higher,” Macdonald said. “We have to figure out what has to change.”
With Poplar deciding not to renew its law enforcement contract with the sheriff’s office, Oelkers feels that could result in increased coverage for other parts of the county.
“You can’t put a price on public safety, but we have to put a price on public safety. It’s taxpayers’ money,” Oelkers said. “We have to live within our means.”
Nygaard said discussions with the sheriff should begin now regarding next year’s budget.
“We want to work with the sheriff’s office and public safety,” Oelkers said. “It’s huge for us.”
Macdonald added, “It’s not only the most important department but also the most expensive.”
The motion failed by a 2-1 margin with Oelkers voting in the favor.
“The motion fails, but it was a good discussion” Oelkers said.
Also during the meeting, James Harvey was appointed to a threeyear term for the council of the aging board.
Commissioners approved the resignation of detention center Richard McDonald.
Commissioners approved annual pay raises for detention center employees Jared Taylor and Denise Drew.