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Department Of Revenue Office To Return

The Montana Department of Revenue will begin having an office again in Roosevelt County starting in January.

Roosevelt County commissioners said they have been requesting for the office to return since the Department of Revenue stopped its operating hours in Wolf Point about three years ago.

Commissioners approved the office to be located in an area in the treasurer’s office.

Office hours will be 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

“It will be nice to have someone so taxpayers know they are here at a specific time,” Roosevelt County Commissioner Gordon Oelkers said.

Also during the meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 26, commissioners agreed to accept Corland Construction’s low bid of $1,528,500 for the county road shop complex project. Corland is based out of Sidney.

Commissioner Gary Macdonald pointed out that there was only $1.2 million budgeted for the project.

Oelkers said there are different areas in the budget that could be considered for the rest of the funds. He noted that $200,000 has been set aside for the project annually.

For the county right-of-way project, each commissioner scored each of four companies on an evaluation sheet. Bartlett & West was the top point scorer followed by Interstate Engineering, Northern Engineering and WWC.

Commissioners will next negotiate with Bartlett & West regarding the cost for the project. If the parties can’t agree, then the county talks with the second high scoring company.

Commissioners approved putting $130,000 from a state AARP grant for a bioterrorism fund.

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