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Letters To Santa

Dear Santa,

How are you and Mrs. Claus? I will make you chocolate cookies. I hope you will like them. I will not be at my Grandmas in Great Falls this year. I will be at home. How are the elves? I would like a drone please. How are Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Danner, Blitzen, and Rudolph?

Thank You, Paisley Featherston Culbertson Third Grade


Dear Santa,

Can I please have a spirit set? How are the raindeer? how are you and Mrs. Claus doing? Can I have a Collins and Deven game set? Can I have a Spirit eating carrot with Lucky? Can I have a Spirit and Lucky, chekc alida and Prue, Bomonae and Abbigal set please?

Thank You, Abby Sager Culbertson Third Grade


Dear Santa,

How are you? How are your reindeer? What I want for Christmas is a bee bee gun and a suit for a bee bee gun and cowboy and a baby yoda and a walk talkey and a safe with robox hoob in the side.

Thank You, Ashton Culbertson Third Grade


Dear Santa,

May I please have a Nerfgun May I please have a VR set May I please havea Jumangi game? May I please have a sate? How are your reindeer Thank You, Jonathan Culbertson Third Grade


Dear Santa,

Hi im jacob I thyink im a good boy I owuld like more brating equitment to pra of a hard rock.

Thank You, Jacob K Culbertson Third Grade


Dear Santa,

This year I would like LED lights, bigger TV, a ps4, ta kiag, ps networks, drone, football and gloves and the georgia louldogs things, computer, a map to go back to georgia. Thank You, Memphie Dean Heard Culbertson Third Grade


Dear Santa,

This year I would like a new remote control car, ps4 games.

Thank You, Burkley Elvsaas Culbertson Third Grade


Dear Santa,

Hi swanta wit do you git? gan i have freddy fraz bear plush ples sata can your raedrsflid? can your selss wrk vaere hod today From Keagan Buck Elk Culbertson First Grade


Dear Santa,

How are you sanhta and mrs. claus. can i get a nintenhdo switch Thank You, Oliver Becker Culbertson First Grade


Dear Santa,

I want a dall and i want a nutchacker i love you go holy cane i want a belle beanie boo i want a pair of socks.

Thank You, Belle Bighorn Culbertson First Grade


Dear Santa,

I like to ride santa’s sleigh I want a video game rudolph can you ask about you?

Thank You, Franiah Bighorn Culbertson First Grade

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