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Influenza Confirmed In Roosevelt County

The Roosevelt County Health Department recently received confirmation of an influenza A case in Wolf Point, from the Department of Health and Human Services. This shows that influenza is present in our communities. Now, more than ever, is the time for residents to protect themselves against influenza.

The “flu shot” is the first line of defense when protecting yourself and family from influenza viruses. It is not too late to get this protection. Once you are vaccinated, it takes two weeks to build protective antibodies. So get yours now. Flu vaccine is readily available for everyone six months and older from:

•Roosevelt County Health Department, 124 Custer St., Suite A, Wolf Point, 653-6223.

•Listerud Rural Health Clinic, 301 Knapp St., Wolf Point, 653-2150.

•Chief Redstone IHS Clinic, 550 Sixth Ave. N., Wolf Point, 653-1641.

•Verne E Gibbs IHS Clinic, 107 H Street East, Poplar, 7683491.

•Riverside Family Clinic, 209½ A Street, Poplar, 7685171.

•Roosevelt Memorial Center, 818 Second Ave. E., Culbertson, 787-3400. Call for an appointment and don’t forget to wear your mask.

In addition to the flu shot, it is important to practice healthy habits when flu viruses are circulating.

•Wash your hands frequently with soap and warm water; you may also use alcohol based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not readily available.

•Cover your coughs and sneezes. Dispose of tissues into the garbage.

•Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth, since germs spread easily this way.

•Routinely clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces such as telephones, computers, desks and doorknobs.

•Ensure you get adequate rest and eat a healthy diet.

•Don’t prepare food when you are ill.

•Stay home when you are sick.

Influenza can be serious, even life threatening in persons at high risk for complications.

•Children under five years of age; especially those under two years of age.

•Adults over 65 years of age.

•Pregnant women.

•American Indians and Alaskan Natives.

•Residents of long-term facilities.

•People with certain medical conditions such as heart, lung, nervous system disorders, weakened immune systems, and extreme obesity.

For more information go to or talk your health care provider or any of the health care agencies listed above.

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