FWP Releases Region 6 Regulations Proposals
Hunting regulation proposals for the 2022/2023 seasons were approved for public comment by the Montana Fish and Wildlife Commission last week and are now out for review and comment online through Jan. 21. Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks will hold public meetings throughout the state to provide information and answer questions.
Montana hunting season regulations are adopted biennially for most game species. Review the proposals and comment online at fwp. mt.gov/regproposals. Comments can be submitted at the same site through January 21 or by email to fwpwld@ mt.gov. This is a second phase of season setting for the 2022/2023 hunting regulation proposals. Earlier this fall, in an effort to simplify regulations, FWP biologists offered proposals that combined some hunting districts, reduced some license and permit types, and eliminated hunting district portions. FWP staff held informational meetings around the state, and the public was invited to submit comments on those initial proposals. FWP adjusted proposals based on public comment and presented them to the commission at their December 14 meeting. In addition, the commission also considered proposals from outside entities.
These draft regulations, approved by the commission last week, are now out for review and comment. FWP will hold public meetings between now and January 13 to provide information and take questions. Comments should be submitted online or by email.
In northeast Montana (Region 6), FWP will host 5 meetings, all 6-8 p.m.: Jan. 4: Havre-Great Northern Inn (1345 1st street St., east Havre); Jan. 5: Online meeting- hosted by FWP and the R6 Citizen Advisory Council (Login information will be available the week of the meeting); Jan. 10: Plentywood- Sheridan Co. Library, Jubilee room (100 W. Laurel Ave.); Jan. 11: Glasgow-Cottonwood Inn (54250 US Hwy 2) and Jan. 12: Malta-High school cafeteria (1 South 9th St. W).
If you are interested in attending a meeting but cannot make one in-person, please consider the online Zoom meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 5.
The commission will make a final decision on the 2022/2023 hunting regulations at its meeting in February.