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MSU Extension To Offer Second Level Of Estate, Legacy Planning Learn-At-Home Course

By MSU News Service

Montana State University Extension is offering the second level of its learn-at-home course on estate and legacy planning topics for Montanans.

The five-lesson, learn-athome course, “Estate/Legacy Planning for Every Montanan,” covers information similar to that which is offered in MSU Extension’s webinars and is intended for individuals who might not have attended the webinar series due to lack of computer or internet access.

Marsha Goetting, MSU Extension family economics specialist, said she wanted the estate planning information covered in the webinars to be inclusive and available to all. Goetting said she will set time aside time every other week for participants to call with questions about the content of the lessons, just as they could if they were able to participate in one of the webinars.

Starting Jan. 10, Extension will mail a new lesson plan to participants every two weeks. There will be five mailings in total. Lesson topics are:

•Lesson 1 will provide information about living, or revocable, and testamentary trusts.

•Lesson 2 will explain financial power of attorney.

•Lesson 3 will explore the modern health care power of attorney form in Montana.

•Lesson 4 will discuss probate and duties of a personal representative.

•Lesson 5 will cover death taxes and help participants to decide whether to gift while alive or leave an inheritance.

To register for the course, contact Goetting at P.O. Box 172800, Bozeman, MT 59717, or call 406-994-5695 and leave your name and mailing address. For those who have friends or family with computers and email, registration is at learnathomeprogramregistration. html or can be emailed to

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