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Wolf Point Police Keep Busy During 2021

By Bill Vander Weele

The Wolf Point Police Department had a busy year with 6,144 calls of service during the 2021 calendar year.

Chief of Police Jeff Harada noted that averages to about 17 calls a day. Harada explained that figure doesn’t include the 10 or so “unidentified calls” throughout the call where officers stop to advise people to improve their behavior.

The incidents include 139 assaults and 12 aggravated assaults.

“An aggravated assault is when there’s a serious bodily injury or when a weapon is involved,” Harada said.

A total of 87 burglaries, either business or residential, were responded to by the Wolf Point Police Department during 2021. There were 232 calls in regards to theft. In addition to that, there were 74 calls regarding shoplifting.

The department made 52 DUI arrests. “That’s an average of one a week,” Harada said. There were 126 public intoxication/open container calls.

Officers responded to 26 runaway juvenile calls. Of those calls, 23 were females.

One unique statistic was that the department made five disruptive fireworks calls when fireworks were banned on the Fort Peck Reservation.

Wolf Point Police made 353 medical calls during the year. “That’s about a one a day average,” Harada said.

Police needed to remove “an unwanted person” a total of 409 times.

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