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Missouri River County Needs Board Members

Missouri River Country is looking for people interested in tourism promotion to serve as a board member for the organization. The board currently has two positions open on the board in Garfield and Daniels counties and one in Roosevelt and McCone counties.

If you are interested in representing your community and helping the economy by bringing visitors to patronize our businesses and attend events or would like more information, contact the Missouri River Country office.

Another opportunity that’s available to non-profit organizations in northeast Montana is the cooperative marketing funds project. These grants are designed to promote an area or event on a cooperative basis with a non-profit tourism-related organization. The intent of this program is to encourage the development of new or expanded marketing projects that attract visitors outside the local community, thereby increasing the tourism travel to the region and extending the traveler’s stay in Missouri River Country.

The cooperative marketing funds are a 50/50 split between Missouri River Country and nonprofit tourism organizations. The funds are made possible by bed tax dollars generated in the Missouri River Country tourism region and are offered annually by Missouri River Country through an application process.

Projects that we have helped fund in the past are brochures for different communities and museums, billboards, signage and advertising events.

For an application and guidelines, visit their website at www.missouirivermt. com or contact the Missouri River Country tourism office, 1-800-653-1319 or write to PO Box 118, Fort Peck, MT 59223.

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