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Tumonong Takes First In Local Spelling Bee

Tumonong Takes First  In Local Spelling Bee Tumonong Takes First  In Local Spelling Bee

The Wolf Point Spelling Bee lasted 10 rounds on Tuesday, Feb. 1, and a sixth-grader from Northside Elementary School ended up as the winner.

Jairo Tumonong went through the 10 rounds flawless to earn the championship. His winning word was tartan.

He explained that his prior experience in spelling bees included coming close to qualifying for the state competition while he was a student in Colorado.

Dana Buckles, a seventh-grade student, placed second in the Wolf Point competition. Zander Hoffman, an eighth-grader, captured third place for Wolf Point.

They will each represent Wolf Point at the Roosevelt County Spelling Bee to be held in Wolf Point on Feb. 15.

The bee featured 23 Wolf Point students. Three students missed words in the first round and two were eliminated in the second round. Five students missed words during the touch competition’s third round.

There were still nine contestants remaining heading into the sixth round and five students left going into the eighth round.

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