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Trustees Approve Air Curtains For Schools

Local electrician Ken Landsrud explained the potential benefits of adding antibacterial air curtains to buildings during the Wolf Point School board meeting Monday, Feb. 14.

Landsrud said the blowing air from the UVCAire by Powered Aire is offered to kill viruses and germs for when individuals enter a building. He suggested putting a curtain at each school building’s entrance as well as the high school’s multi-purpose room.

The way the product works is that germs and viruses are pulled into the intake screen of the air curtain. The harmful pathogens are then exposed to UV-C light and their molecular bonds are altered. The discharged air is significantly reduced of dangerous pathogens such as COVID.

The unit runs continuously on low speed when the door is closed to purify the air. According to the manufacturer, the system has a 99.9 airborne kill-rate effectiveness on low speed and up to 95.7 percent on high speed.

Cost is $4,000 for a 36-inch door and $7,000 for a 72-inch door.

Landsrud is hopeful that the hospital will also purchase the air curtain doors.

Superintendent of schools Loverty Erickson said there’s a line item available for ESSER funds to purchase safety issues.

“We will be on the forefront in the community,” Erickson said.

Trustee Mark Zilkoski made the motion to purchase the air curtains.

“I’m for anything that will improve the well being of our staff and students,” board chair Linda Hansen said. The motion passed unanimously.

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