Wolf Point Announces School Election
There will be three positions open for the Wolf Point school district board of trustees this year. District 1 will be a one-year position to complete the term recently vacated and filled by appointment and Districts 2 and 6 will be a three-year term position.
Maps of the districts are available on the school website at www.wolfpointschools. org.
District 1: Ronald W Jackson was appointed to replace Corey E Reum, who vacated the position to be hired as a school resource officer for Wolf Point Schools. This position will be opened for election of a trustee to complete the vacated term.
District 2: Linda L Hansen’s term is set to expire and she could be an incumbent candidate.
District 6: Dr. Mark Zilkoski’s term is set to expire and he has indicated he will not run again. This is an at-large position and anyone living in the Wolf Point elementary or high school districts is eligible to run for this position.
The annual school election is Tuesday, May 3, by mail ballot.
The Trustee Declaration form is located on the Wolf Point Schools’ website at www.wolfpointschools. org by going to Wolf Point School District page, Our District, School Board Information and is also available at the school district administration office located at 400 Fallon St. Deadline to apply is Thursday, March 24, at 5 p.m.
For further information regarding the election, contact election administrator Cheri’ Nygard at 406-653-5545.