Wolf Point Police Blotter
( Publisher’s Note: The following blotter includes the activities of the Wolf Point police and fire departments Feb. 28 through March 6. All those cited or arrested are presumed innocent.)
Citations were issued to:
March 1
Kenneth Bauer, 22, male, underpass, criminal mischief and contributing to the delinquency of a minor, tribal court.
Tay-lee Weston, 23, female, underpass, possessing intoxicating substances while tribal Ciera Michaelsen, 18, female, underpass, criminal mischief and minor in possession, tribal court.
Jared Weeks-Combs, 31, male, 200 block of Custer Street, theft, tribal court.
March 2
Humberto Agosto Jr., 50, male, 400 block of Front Street, criminal trespass to property, tribal court.
Paul Redstar, 56, male, 400 block of Front Street, criminal trespass to property, tribal court.
Timothy Reddoor Jr., 42, male, 400 block of Front Street, criminal trespass to property, tribal court.
Jordan OldRock, 33, male, 400 block of Front Street, criminal trespass to property, tribal court.
Harris McConnell Sr., 57, male, 400 block of Front Street, criminal trespass to property, tribal court.
Adam Runsthrough, 57, male, 200 block of Main Street, public intoxication, tribal court.
March 3
Leslie Lambert Jr., 50, male, 200 block of Anaconda Street, loitering, tribal court.
David Menz Sr., 53, male, 200 block of Anaconda Street, loitering, tribal court.
Justice Jackson, 19, female, 500 block of Fourth Avenue South, endangering welfare of a child, tribal court.
Leslie Rouillard Jr., 29, male, 500 block of Fourth Avenue South, endangering welfare of a child, tribal court.
Lewis Eagleboy Jr., 60, male, 400 block of U.S. Highway 2, public intoxication, tribal court.
David Carman, 59, male, 300 block of Knapp Street, disorderly conduct, municipal court.
March 4
Austin Barr, 36, male, 200 block of Granville Street, criminal possession of drug paraphernalia, tribal court.
March 5
Daniel Sietsema, 67, male, 700 block of First Avenue North, partner/family member assault, municipal court.
March 6
Eric Wester, 52, male, 200 block of Main Street, disorderly conduct, municipal court.
In addition to the citations above, the WPPD had the following activity: accident/ traffic, one; alarm/residence, one; assault, four; assistance required/funeral, two; assistance required/public, seven; assistance required/welfare check, one; counterfeit/currency, one; curfew (juveniles), one; disorderly conduct/fight, three; disorderly conduct, nine; disturbance/house party, one; disturbance/other, three; disturbance/remove unwanted person, 13; disturbance/ vehicle, three; domestic abuse, three; domestic/ family disturbance, one; fire, one; fire/structure, two; fraud/ checks, one; harassment, one; indecent exposure, one; loitering/panhandling, two; medical assistance, eight; minor in possession/alcohol, one; other, two; parking violation/ prisoner, five; patrol/ city limits, one; stolen vehicle, one; suicide attempt/juvenile female, one; suicide ideation/ juvenile male, one; suspicious activity, three; suspicious vehicle, one; theft, eight; theft of service, one; theft/shoplifting, one; threats, one; tow call, one; traffic crime/hit and run, one; traffic crime/other, one; traffic crime/reckless driver, four; traffic property/other motor vehicle, two; trespassing, seven; vandalism, four; vandalism/all others, one; vandalism/motor vehicle, one; vandalism/residence, one; warrants/tribal, one; weapon offense, one; welfare check, five; total, 127.