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Resident Questions Property Purchase By Roosevelt County

Roosevelt County resident Bill Juve presented questions about a property purchase by the county during the commissioners’ meeting on Tuesday, March 22.

During the public comment portion of the meeting, Juve said the county made a land purchase on Jan. 31, 2017, but no mention is made of the transaction in commissioners’ minutes for December 2016, January 2017, or February 2017. He said commissioners approved the claim at the Feb. 7, 2017, meeting.

“It appears this is a direct violation of the Montana Constitution that guarantees public involvement in major decisions. Is this true?” Juve said.

Commissioner Gordon Oelkers answered, “I have no idea. Am I supposed to remember off the top of my head?”

Juve also noted that in a previous warranty deed concerning this property, past owners reserved all the minerals and gravel rights.

“If this is the case, who owns the gravel?” Juve asked.

Oelkers said that commissioners don’t need to answer questions during public comment.

Juve requested to be placed on the agenda for the next commissioners’ meeting. In business during the meeting, commissioners approved $360,000 in BARSSA funds to replace the slab on County Road 2031.

Commissioner Duane Nygaard said if it’s not enough funds, the county might have to consider spending money from the bridge fund.

Oelkers said it’s been a three-year project.

Commissioners have approved an agreement with American Engineering Testing for geotechnical exploration and review on a proposed new radio tower site in Poplar.

Clerk and Recorder Cheryl Hansen reported that a primary election for clerk and recorder, county attorney and treasurer will not be needed because there is only one candidate for each of the positions. There will be primary elections for sheriff and commissioner.

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