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Plestina Loses Vehicle In Fire

Plestina Loses Vehicle In Fire Plestina Loses Vehicle In Fire

Wolf Point resident and city council member John Plestina had a long day on Thursday, April 7.

A challenging week of serving as a substitute teacher was over, but that day included having the school’s resource officer take away three students on Plestina’s request. “I kept warning them,” Plestina said.

Relaxing in his southside home at about 9 p.m., his day became worse. “I heard a loud pop and then saw a fire on my car,” he remembers.

According to a witness, teenagers threw two Molotor cocktails in the vehicle, Plestina quickly called 911. “I said I’m sure it’s arson, so call the police too,” he remembered.

He is grateful for the quick response by the Wolf Point Volunteer Fire Department. He said if the fire hit the gas tank, he might had lost his house as well.

A Gofundme account has been set up to help Plestina purchase a different vehicle. He had only liability insurance on the 1998 Ford Expedition.

“It was started unbeknown to me,” a grateful Plestina said about the gofundme account. “I didn’t even think about doing that. It’s definitely appreciated.”

Plestina is hopeful that the juvenile suspects receive the help that they need.

“Most of the kids are good,” Plestina said of Wolf Point students. “You get a few hard cases in there that don’t want to be in school.”

Plestina, who is on the city’s search committee for a new police chief, feels that harsher enforcement might be required. Twice, he had the rear window shot out of his parked vehicle.

“I want strict enforcement of the curfew,” Plestina said. “They can’t just be out there running the streets.”

He added that property owners must be protected, “I definitely want someone who will be somewhat pro-active and have strict enforcement.”

Plestina mentioned the need of a Boys and Girls Club, a new bowling alley or a recreation center to provide positive places for Wolf Point’s youth to go.

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