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Wolf Point Police Blotter

( Publisher’s Note: The following blotter includes the activities of the Wolf Point police and fire departments April 11-17. All those cited or arrested are presumed innocent.)

Citations were issued to:

April 11

Devin Hall, 32, male, 100 block of Front Street, criminal trespass to property, tribal court.

Ralynn Wettlin, 33, female, 100 block of Front Street, criminal trespass to property, tribal court.

Jessica Failing, 28, female, 300 block of Edgar Street, assault, tribal court.

April 14

Dalton Pronto, 23, male, 300 block of U.S. Highway 2, contributing to the delinquency of a minor, tribal court.

Seventeen-year-old male, 300 block of U.S. Highway 2, possession of intoxicating substance while under the age of 21, municipal court.

April 15

Steven Birdsbill, 29, male, 400 block of Cascade Street, theft — shoplifting, tribal court.

Jacob Azure, 28, male, 400 block of Cascade Street, theft — shoplifting, tribal court.

Steven Birdsbill, 29, male, 400 block of Edgar Street, partner/family member assault, endangering welfare of children (eight counts) and criminal mischief, tribal court.

Kathryn Jo Hede, 22, female, 400 block of Blaine Street, operating with expired registration — failure to re-register, municipal court.

In addition to the citations above, the WPPD had the following activity: accident/hit and run, one; accident/traffic, one; alarm/burglary, one; alarm/school, one; animal/ barking dog, one; animal/dog bite, one; animal/other, one; assault four; assistance required/ public, three; attempted rape, one; burglary/residential/ forcible, two; criminal mischief, one; curfew (juveniles), three; custodial interference, one; disorderly conduct/ fight, four; disorderly conduct, 13; disorderly conduct/ vagrant, four; disturbance/ other, three; disturbance/remove unwanted person, 11; disturbance/vehicle, one; domestic abuse, five; driving under the influence/alcohol, one; medical assistance, two; other three; patrol/city limits, three; property/found, one; runaway/female, one; standby/civil, one; stolen vehicle, two; suicide ideation/ adult male, one; suspicious activity, one; suspicious person, two; suspicious vehicle, one; theft, three; threats, one; traffic crime/careless driving, one; traffic crime/other, one; traffic crime/reckless driver, three; traffic incident, two; traffic roads/trees-debris, one; trespassing, four; vandalism, one; welfare check, 12; total, 111.

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