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Educators Work On New Math Curriculum

With the goal of providing the best math instruction possible, a group of Wolf Point’s instructors met for curriculum planning on Monday, April 11.

Sarah Chambers, curriculum director, noted the meeting was part of the process to develop a new math curriculum for the school district. Once the group makes its recommendations, school principals and the superintendent need to grant final approval.

During the meeting, teachers reviewed norms, presented parameters and conducted discussion to make determinations.

They decided that they wanted the curriculum aligned completely for K-12 students instead of separate K-6 and 7-12 or K-5 and 6-12 alignments.

Chambers reminded educators that decisions regard curriculum materials and not just books.

Teachers noted they wanted materials that feature a well-organized format and were teacher friendly.

“This is going to be a huge shift,” Chambers said of the commitment being made by teachers.

She added that Wolf Point’s students haven’t not only reach standards in math for a year or two, but it’s been an on-going challenge for probably 10 years.

Teachers decided the two options that they like the best were illustrated mathematics productions from Kendall Hunt Publishings and McGraw Hill.

Chambers said she will order materials from both places in order for the teachers to conduct further reviews.

Educators will review the options again soon before making a final decision before the end of the school year for a 2022-23 school year launch.

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