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Clean Sweep Now Underway


Clean Sweep efforts are ongoing at press time, April 19. The landfill will be accepting clean sweep trash at no charge through April 30.

The landfill will also be open on Sunday, April 24, from 8 a.m. to noon. Bring your landfill card if you have one.

Appliances requiring freon removal will be charged a $10 removal fee. Contractor/ construction waste will be charged regular rates.

Wolf Point city crews will collect larger items in streets during the week of April 25-29 on residents regular garbage collection days.

Tribal Enterprise will collect larger items in alleys (not streets) in Fort Peck Housing Authority neighborhoods April 26-27 during their scheduled Earth Day clean up in Wolf Point.

Tribal Enterprise will place roll-off dumpsters near the west housing playground and at the corner of Third Avenue South and Idaho Street on those days. People should not put metal, white ware, tree limbs or tires in these dumpsters. These items will need to be sorted out at the landfill.

See ad inside this issue for more information or call Julie D’ambrosio at the Wolf Point Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture office at 406-653-2012.

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