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Weekend Blizzard Causes Widespread Power Outages

Conditions were a mix of snow, precipitation and wind for the last blizzard event April 22-24 in Northeast Montana. Many locations further west were passed over for measurable snow but precipitation and high winds caused power outages throughout the area, affecting customers region wide. At press time April 26, Montana- Dakota Utilities show more than a dozen outages remaining north of Poplar near Flaxville, with additional outages mounting as you head east into North Dakota.

An MDU social media post from April 24 states, “This has been an unprecedented outage event for MDU and our customers in terms of widespread damage. Hundreds of cross arms are broken and several miles of poles are completely down. Vehicles continue to assess damage where access is possible. Weather prohibited aerial surveying today, but tomorrow the plane should be able to survey the damage to areas unreachable by ground. Fifteen, 3-4 person crews are working to restore power, and more will be brought in to assist.”

Area media reported April 24 that power was out all over the region, including Richland and Roosevelt counties and Williams and McKenzie counties across the state line. The wind knocked down utility poles beginning April 23, leaving more than 10,000 homes and businesses without power in Montana and North Dakota.

Lower Yellowstone Electric Cooperative reported April 23 via social media that the Girard, Lambert and Sioux Pass substation was without power. A post from Saturday said, “The wet conditions along with the winds are causing the lines to gallop which is causing the outages.”

High wind reports showed 66 MPH at Wolf Point Airport April 23 around 4 p.m.; Sidney recorded 67 MPH, with reports of wind speeds in the mid to high fifties at Medicine Lake, Plentywood, Glasgow Airport and Saint Marie.

Snow reports show accumulations of over 12 inches in Sidney and Lambert, with 10 inches in Glendive. Vida reported four inches April 23, with Bainville reporting 1.48 inches precipitation by 10 p.m.

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