County Buildings Illuminated Green In Support Of Veterans
Roosevelt County ann ounced that part of the county building was illuminated green as part of Operation Green Light, a new initiative between Roosevelt County, the Montana Association of Counties, the National Association of Counties and the National Association of County Veteran Service Officers.
Operation Green Light’s mission is to show support for veterans of all military conflicts, as well as raise awareness about the unique challenges faced by many veterans (and their families) and the resources that are available at the county, state and federal level to assist veterans and their families.
“By shining the green light, we’re expressing our profound gratitude for the sacrifices and contributions our veterans and their families made on the battlefield, at home,” said county commissioners Gordon Oelkers, Gary Macdonald and Duane Nygaard. “At a time when our county is faced with so many issues, we can all agree that those individuals who risked and sacrificed their lives fighting to protect our country and our way of life deserve our support. We encourage everyone to join with us in displaying a green light for our veterans and their families.”
Residents are encouraged to participate by simply changing one light bulb in their house to a green bulb. This can be an exterior light that neighbors and passersby see, or an interior light that sparks a conversation with friends. By shining a green light, we are letting our veterans know that they are seen, appreciated and supported.
While this event is focused around the week of Veterans Day (Nov. 7-13), participants are encouraged to continue shining the light year-round. Participants are encouraged to share their participation on social media using the hashtag #OperationGreenLight.
Visit or https;// for more information and links to resources available to veterans.