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Senior Menus

N ews

I’d like to take a moment to share with you a couple of options for property tax relief. They are the Property Tax Assistance program and the Montana Elderly Homeowner/ Renter Credit program.

Note, you can’t participate in both programs at the same time.

The first one, the Property Tax Assistance program, helps citizens on a fixed or limited income by reducing the property tax rate on your home. There are eligibility requirements and your income and marriage status determine your reduction rate which is at either 80, 50 or 30 percent. The deadline to apply for 2020 assistance is April 15. You can apply online or you may print the form which can then be hand delivered or mailed to the local Department of Revenue field office.

The second one is the Montana Elderly Homeowner/ Renter Credit program. You can receive up to a $1,000 refundable tax credit based on your eligibility. You can apply via the Montana Individual Income Tax Return or online via the Trans-Action Portal. Filing through the TAP is a quick and easy option.

Any senior who needs assistance with more information about these programs or assistance with filing may contact our office to schedule an appointment. Our office is open Monday through Friday (with the exception of legal holidays) 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. You can reach Julie Bach at 653-6279 or Shelli Isle at 653-6221.

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