Schuster Set For Book Talk During Stampede
The Roosevelt County Library board held its regular meeting May 25. Library vice chair Joyce Harvey was in attendance, as were trustees Helen Welte and Vernie Madison and director Janet Livingston.
Livingston reported that the security cameras have all been installed and are working.
The draft for a community survey was read and changes were noted. Livingston said she will make the changes and send it to their consultant, Suzanne Reymer, to put online. Paper copies will also be made and the survey will be shared with the James E Shanley Tribal Library in Poplar, the Froid library and the Culbertson library. The survey will run through August.
The next fiscal year budget was discussed with some suggestions. The library’s worksheet was filled in and turned in at the courthouse. The topic of staff raises came up with discussion following. Madison made a motion, which was passed, for the staff to receive a raise in the next fiscal year.
A question was raised about the endowment fund. Livingston said she will look into this for an answer at the next meeting.
There is some minor work that should be done to the building. An ad for bids will be sent to the newspaper.
Jessica Kierstead, Culbertson librarian, requested changes to be made with the library’s bank account. The board approved removing Leona Colvin, previous library staff, and adding Cassandra Lucas, current library staff, to the account.
A second draft of a video surveillance policy was read with a couple of suggested changes. After the changes are made, the draft will be sent to the county attorney’s office for approval.
The public library standards are due July 24. They were reported done and submitted. Federation funds have been spent and reported.
There are several activities planned during Stampede. Theresa Nichols Schuster will give a talk about her newest book Brittle Silver on Saturday at 10:30 a.m., a giant floor map of Montana will be on display, early literacy packets for children 0-5 will be available to parents and caregivers, the Feeks Vision documentary will play continuously for anyone wanting to watch it and Keva planks will be available for anyone wanting to play with them and complete a challenge.
Miracle Spotted Wolf, staff member, attended the Zoom meeting for the HOPA books. Livingston signed up to be a community coordinator for Constitution Day.
A workman’s comp insurance claim was discussed.
The Friends of the Library met June 9 at the library.
With the resignation of board chair Beth Hekkel earlier in the year, a new chair needed to be selected. Harvey will serve as chair and Madison will be vice chair.
The next meeting is tentatively scheduled for Aug. 26, with the location to be determined.