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Toavs Learning The Ropes In County Commissioners’ Office

Toavs Learning The Ropes In  County Commissioners’ Office Toavs Learning The Ropes In  County Commissioners’ Office

After seven months in the position, Robert Toavs said he is enjoying his role as a Roosevelt County Commissioner even though the job isn’t entirely what he anticipated when he ran for the office in 2022.

“It’s nothing like I thought it would be,” Toavs said.

He noted the perception that people on the outside have regarding the position is “totally different” from reality.

Toavs explained there’s a lot more complexity than he anticipated, and he mentioned topics such as road resolutions, budgets and the different funding sources.

He estimated that he receives between 50 to 75 emails a day. In addition, there are many phone calls where people sometimes desire quick answers. Some callers feel that county commissioners fix any problems including city questions or state decisions.

“I’ve enjoyed it so far,” Toavs said of the duties. “There are some challenges.”

One aspect of the position is dealing with the variety of county departments and understanding their needs.

“Everyone is unique in itself,” Toavs said of the departments.

Another bit of a surprise is the time commitment.

“It’s a lot more full-time that I thought,” Toavs said. “If you miss a day, the emails pile up.”

He’s very thankful that he is serving with two experienced commissioners, Gordon Oelkers and Gary Macdonald.

Toavs calls Macdonald a human Rolodex for how well he can look up past information about a given topic.

“It’s 24 years and I’m still learning,” Macdonald said. “Every two years, everything changes.”

Toavs explained that even though the three commissioners don’t always agree on an issue, their desire remain consistent.

“It’s what’s best for the county. That’s the ultimate goal,” Toavs said.

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