Students Earn 4-H Indoor Exhibits Awards
Across the county, 4-H members each year complete their yearly indoor projects with conference judging exhibits. The 4-H interview judging is an opportunity for 4-H members to talk to the judges about their static exhibits and share their trials and lessons they learned. Each interview or conversation with the judge was held on Thursday, Aug. 10, at the fairgrounds in Culbertson.
Individuals are awarded ribbons for their exhibits, while some went above the judge’s expectations and received a Judge’s Choice ribbon.
Department – 4-H Animal Science: Tenley Berwick, Centennial Clovers 4-H Club, Judge’s Choice for her Vet Cooler; Eleanor Iversen, Tumbleweed 4-H Club, Judge’s Choice for her Chicken Breeds Poster; Gage Norgaard, Fort Peck 4-H Club, Judge’s Choice for his Chicken Feeder.
Department – 4-H Engineering and Technology- Woodworking: Brooke Wineinger, Up-N-Atom 4-H Club, Judge’s Choice for her Key Rack.
Department – 4-H Family & Consumer Sciences- Quilting: Carys Holbrook, Tumbleweed 4-H Club, Judge’s Choice for her Rail Fence Pattern quilt.
Department - 4-H Health-Foods and Nutrition: Elsie Wilson, Tumbleweed 4-H Club, Judge’s Choice for her Cowboy Cookies.
Department – 4-H Communications- Photography: Elsie Wilson, Tumbelweed 4-H Club, Judge’s Choice for her Black and White photo.
Department – Cloverbuds: Cy Clarke and Lachlan Holbrook, Tumbleweed 4-H Club, Wiley VandenBos, Centennial Clovers 4-H Club, Makhi Smoker, Fort Peck 4-H Club, and Maia McGowan and Kora McGowan, Frontier 4-H Club, all received 4-H Cloverbud Medallions for their exhibits in this year’s fair.
Department – 4-H Youth Club: Tally Berwick, Centennial Clover 4-H Club, Judge’s Choice for her Individual Record Book; Tannen Traeger, Tumbleweed 4-H Club, Judge’s Choice for his Western Horsemanship Project Book and Ella Anderson, Centennial Clovers 4-H Club, Judge’s Choice for her Individual Record Book.
Department – FFA:
Charles Butikofer, Bainville FFA, Judge’s Choice for his Large Household Woodworking project, a coffee table. Max Engelke, Froid FFA, Judge’s Choice for his Metallurgy and Fabrication project,
Educational Booths:
Judge’s Choice went to the Centennial Clovers 4-H Club, Tumbleweed 4-H Club and the Bainville FFA Chapter.