School Board Approves Contracts
The Culbertson School board approved extra-curricular contracts for the 2023-2024 school year during its meeting on Aug. 14.
Approved to be club advisors were Logan Nickoloff for FFA, Shelly Salvevold for National Honor Society and Milt Apple for Business Professionals of America.
Class advisors are Darla Mogga for seniors, Jennifer Lambert for juniors, Tiffany Nielsen for sophomores, Dave Solem for freshmen, Amy Berwick for eighth grade, Shelby Manning for seventh grade and Jimie Lou Morris for sixth grade. Jennesy Taberna is band advisor and Russell Pfeifer is choral advisor.
Athletic coaches approved included Nickoloff for high school assistant football coach, David Anderson for junior high and elementary girls’ basketball head coach, Shelby Lebsock for junior high girls’ basketball coach, Ashley Anderson for elementary girls’ basketball assistant coach, Cody Steppler for elementary boys’ basketball head coach and Dave Solem for junior high football assistant coach.
Guest teachers hired were Leanne Knapp, Rhonda Larsen, Bev Raaum for band and Mathew Ellerton.
The account for the Class of 2023 was closed. Trustees approved a motion to give $150 to the incoming freshman class and the balance to Ike’s Pond.
Superintendent Nicole Simonsen will provide trustees with the board’s goals and for them to rank them in priority. Goals will be reviewed at the next meeting.