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Proposed Reconstruction For MT 13 South Of Scobey


The Montana Department of Transportation would like to announce and invite the public to comment on a proposal to reconstruct about seven miles of Montana Highway 13, 26 miles south of Scobey.

The project begins at the intersection with County Road 17-2040 near mile marker 25, and extends north, ending near mile marker 32.

Proposed work includes reconstructing and widening the roadway surface, improving the horizontal and vertical alignments, replacing aging bridges, and finishing with a seal and cover (chip seal), upgraded pavement markings, and new signage and guardrail.

The purpose of the project is to bring the roadway up to current design standards, enhancing roadway safety features and reducing maintenance costs.

Construction is tentatively planned beyond MDT’s fiveyear planning horizon, but has the potential to begin earlier depending on completion of design and availability of funds. Right-of-way acquisition or temporary construction permits will likely be required for this project. Relocation of utilities may also be necessary.

MDT staff will contact affected landowners prior to survey work. Landowners may be contacted again prior to construction regarding temporary permits.

Partnering with the community is an important part of properly planning for future projects. MDT welcomes the public to provide ideas and comments on the proposed project.

Comments may be submitted online at http://www. or in writing to Montana Department of Transportation, Glendive office, PO Box 890, Glendive, MT 59330-0890. Please note that comments are for project UPN 9729000.

The public is encouraged to contact Glendive District Preconstruction Engineer Jim Frank at 406-345-8214 or Project Design Engineer Joy Fleming at 406-345-8221 with questions or comments about the project.

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