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Will Enjoys Role At School, Work

Will Enjoys Role At School, Work Will Enjoys Role At School, Work

Wolf Point High School senior Ashley Will spends part of her learning day outside the classroom serving customers in the community.

Will spends time daily at MC Nutrition preparing drinks and serving them.

“I like the interaction with customers when they order drinks and shakes,” Will said.

Her personal favorite drink is the Aquarius Moon, which is sugar free and provides natural energy.

“It helps you get through the day,” Will said.

She says her role model is the store’s owner, Miranda Crasco.

“I look up to her a lot,” Will noted.

One of Will’s activities at

Ashley Will enjoys being manager of the boys’ basketball team and working at MC Nutrition.

(Photo by Bill Vander Weele)

school is being manager for the boys’ basketball team. She’s enjoying her first year in that role.

“I have a lot of best friends on the team,” she explained. “I get along with them easily.”

Her favorite class is chemistry. She says she’s learning a lot in her first year taking the subject.

Will’s favorite teacher is Leslie Larson. “We’re really close and we’re funny. I can tell her anything,” Will said.

Will is undecided of which college she will attend. She wants to become either an EMT or OB-GYN.

“I’ve always liked the medical field. It’s always been interesting to me,” Will said. “Helping people is something I love.”

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