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WPCO Votes For Silverwolf Directors During Meeting

WPCO Votes For Silverwolf  Directors During Meeting WPCO Votes For Silverwolf  Directors During Meeting

Directors for the Silverwolf Casino were elected during the Wolf Point Community Organization’s meeting held on Monday, Jan. 15.

The two individuals voted to three-year terms were Colleen Birdsbill and Dwayne Hamilton.

Elected to one-year terms were Karen Todd and Wayne Two Bulls.

Voted as alternates were Roxanne Gourneau and Lawrence Hamilton.

Lance FourStar of the Fort Peck Democratic Tribal Committee said there’s an opening on the committee after Maria Vega moved out of the area. FourStar was seeking assistance for people to witness signatures on petitions to put President Biden on Montana’s primary election ballot. FourStar said the city of Wolf Point is still looking to hire a new recreation director and pool manager.

Gourneau reported that the Tribal Executive Board keeps working on the issue of dealing with marijuana on tribal lands. Different attorneys have been contacted. “It’s up in the air,” Gourneau said. She added that new marijuana dispensaries will need to come to the tribes in the future before opening.

“We’re working on it. It’s a lot more complicated for us,” Gourneau said of the issue.

Gourneau said the TEB is discussing the possibility of building a medium security prison facility. Lawrence Hamilton added that it might be a 200-bed facility.

Gourneau also reported that TEB is researching ways to provide improved health care facilities. A goal is to have a veterans’ wing in an assisted living facility.

She said the Fort Peck Tribes Department of Law and Justice has hired eight additional officers. A shift in administration has taken place with Lewis Matthews serving as the interim chief of police. The tribes will advertise for a public safety director.

WPCO approved $1,680 for Wolf Point High School’s girls’ basketball program to pay for warm-up jackets. In addition, $5,000 was approved for the AAU wrestling program to pay for registration fees, singlets and some tournament expenses.

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