Frontier School Feb. 12: ….
Frontier School Feb. 12: Biscuits and gravy, fruit and veggies.
Feb. 13: Beef stroganoff, fruits and veggies.
Feb. 14: Chicken mashed potato bowls, fruits andveggies.
Feb. 15: Hamburger mac and cheese, fruits and veggies.
Feb. 16: No salad bar. Pasta agioli soup, fruits and veggies.
*** Wolf Point School Feb. 12: Breakfast: Cereal, muffins and oranges. Lunch: Pizza, salad, pineapple, carrots and broccoli.
Feb. 13: Breakfast: Gogurts, string cheese, granola bars and apples. Lunch: Soft shell tacos, apple sauce, celery and beans.
Feb. 14: Breakfast: Whole grain doughnuts, parfaits and strawberries. Lunch: Chicken burgers, sliced tomatoes, curly fries, lettuce, cheese, apricots and broccoli.
Feb. 15: Breakfast: Breakfast burritos and bananas. Lunch: Ham and potato soup, dinner rolls, pears, salad and carrots. *** Lustre School Feb. 12: Chicken strips. Feb. 13: Nachos. Feb. 14: Chili and doughnuts.
Feb. 15: Breakfast.
Feb. 16: Staff PIR Day. No schools for students.