Hearing Date Set For County Road Dispute
A court hearing has been set for May 22 regarding the road dispute between Lynn Labatte and Roosevelt County.
During a meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 20, Labatte noted that closing Road 1018 at the T going northsouth to 2058 would eliminate traffic going to his residence.
Labatte is seeking the county to desist from further proceedings with the road. The argument is that the county didn’t follow statutory proceedings to create a county road. According to Labatte, the two-track road was not constructed or maintained by the state or Roosevelt County. Labatte claims that he petitioned the county in 2007 to close the road. He didn’t receive a response from the county.
Last March, commissioners unanimously voted against a request to abandon the road. Commissioner Gordon Oelkers said during that meeting that he was advised by a commissioner from a different county not to abandon roads because there might be a need in the future for the road.
Also during last week’s meeting, commissioners approved a request by the sheriff’s office to purchase 2024 Expedition from Fox Ford for $57,000. Commissioners noted that the sheriff’s office budgeted three new vehicles to be purchased during this year.
Samantha Goodman was hired as the commissioners’ administrative assistant.
Dr. Michael Welch was appointed as the Roosevelt County health officer. Dr. Mark Zilkoski will serve as backup county health officer.
Resignations were accepted from weed district board member Terry Traeger, health department employee Tarrah Poitra and library employee Tiffany Grey Bear.