veloper and real estate appraiser. ….

veloper and real estate appraiser.
Agriscience provides a foundation for careers in agricultural and natural resources industries. Sample job titles: agriscience educator, extension educator, farmer and human resource director.
Resource Development and Management focuses on policy analysis, planning, evaluation, budgeting, and program management. Sample job titles: environmental analyst, environmental planner, solid waste coordinator, water resource specialist and economic development specialist.
Parks, Recreation and Tourism Resources focuses on planning and managing programs, areas, and facilities that are designed to meet people’s leisure needs and enhance quality of life. Sample job titles: park ranger, interpreter/ naturalist, environmental educator, travel and convention planner, youth program director, camp counselor, park and recreation director and tourism consultant.
Packaging focusing on food packaging, health care and pharmaceutical packaging, and industrial packaging. Sample job titles: packaging engineer, quality control coordinator, laboratory manager and package designer.
Horticulture focuses on the science and art concerned with culture, marketing, and utilization of high value, intensively cultivated fruits, flowers, vegetables and ornamental plants. Sample job titles: retail manager, landscape designer, entrepreneur, florist, contractor, nursery grower and nursery stock buyer.
Forestry focuses on the science and art of managing natural resources that occur on forest lands. Sample job titles: forester, forest ranger, consulting forester, district ranger, arborist, naturalist, timber buyer and forest nursery manager.
Food Science focuses on the development of new foods, investigation of new production and processing methods, and researches ways to insure a safe, nutritious and economical food supply. Sample job titles: food technician, laboratory technician, food chemist and quality control manager.
Fisheries and Wildlife focuses on environmental management, conservation, and wildlife ecology and management. Sample job titles: land management specialist, water quality specialist, habitat specialist and fish hatchery manager.